Welcome The Stranger
By Avi Rose
原文在這 http://www.kqed.org/a/perspectives/R201512030643
Welcome The Stranger
Avi Rose says the Syrian refugee crisis is a call to understand who the refugees are and act in the best of faith traditions. Over the past 10 years of working to resettle refugees fleeing persecution due to their religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation, I've learned a few things.
First, it is very hard to leave everyone and everything you know to start your life over in a new country. No one does this lightly. Refugees leave their homes because they are fleeing for their lives.
Second, if you are a person with bad intent wanting to enter the United States, the last thing you'd do is come as a refugee. Refugees are repeatedly screened, interviewed and vetted in at least a dozen different ways, often for a period of two years, before being permitted entry into the country. The bad guys do not come here through the refugee program.
Third, most religions and cultures instruct us to welcome the stranger. In my own Jewish tradition, the Torah tells me 36 times and reminds me that I, too, was once a stranger in a strange land. Here's what it doesn't say, "Welcome the stranger, but only if she looks like you." It doesn't say, "Welcome the stranger, but only if he worships like you." It doesn't even say, "Welcome the stranger, but only if she doesn't make you uncomfortable." It simply says, "Welcome the stranger," with no asterisk or footnote.
In the wake of the recent attacks in Beirut, Paris and elsewhere, people are understandably frightened. But now is the time for us to act on the best of our values, not the worst of our fears. We can volunteer our time. We can donate our money. We can collect household goods for new Americans who arrive with next to nothing. We can open our hearts and homes, fostering an atmosphere of welcome and support. We can stand up for sensible and compassionate public policies. This is a defining moment for us as individuals and as a country. Let's take it as an opportunity to be our best selves.
Let's welcome the stranger.
With a Perspective, this is Avi Rose.
Avi Rose is the Executive Director of Jewish Family & Community Services East Bay.
三月買了一本英文的食譜書[The Food of Taiwan]。網路上看到的簡介有肥美的掛包,我馬上就買了。書到手了以後快速地從第一頁翻到最後一頁,裡面我喜歡的菜好多,真開心。是一本紐約人寫的台灣食譜,一來夾克也可以看,二來食材在美國應該比較好找。結果看到寫潤餅的那一篇就知道糟糕了,作者說潤餅皮在亞洲超市的冷藏區買得到,我想這作者家旁邊一定是很台灣的超市。我在美國好像都沒有看過潤餅,何況是在賣潤餅皮呢?這對我這個都在離家最近的超市買菜的人來說,還真有點困難。